Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft Assignment Help

Nursing Practice

Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft Assignment Help

As I mentioned in the Week 13 announcement, you will be working on the  Bibliography Rough Draft, and participating in another Peer Review Workshop this week. The submission portal for the Annotated Bib rough draft is now open. As indicated in the course schedule, the Annotated bib rough draft is due on Thursday (4/14) noon. Your TWO reviews are due on Sunday (4/17) noon. There will NOT be a grace period for the Peer Review Workshop, as your peers will rely on your reviews to start their revisions. (As with the previous peer review workshop, there is NO need to sign into If you are prompted to sign in, please exit, and relaunch D2L using the Chrome browser.)

To start, have a look at:

  • Annotated Bibliography Prompt
  • Documenting Sources in MLA Style PDF (Do not read this from beginning to end. Skim for reference only.)
  • Let\’s Talk: A Pocket Rhetoric: Chapter 20: \”MLA Style\” (305-356) (Do not read this from beginning to finish. Skim pages 305-344 for references, then read page 344-356.)
  • Watch my quick Library OneSearch Tutorial video. OneSearch typically pulls information from a variety of databases, so it is great for brainstorming and generating research questions. (In contrast, the searches through databases like JSTOR and EBSCO are more refined and specific to the disciplines of the Arts and Humanities, and they offer additional search functions unique to each  Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft Assignment Help database.) In this video, I demonstrate how to do a quick search using the title of a text. From there, I show you how to narrow down to a couple of related peer-reviewed articles, how to generate and refine your own keywords from those sources, and how to quickly retrieve the bibliographic information of library sources in MLA style.


  • If you have trouble locating reputable outside sources, I strongly advise you to switch to a text with wider critical appeal. Here is a list of my suggested popular media texts!
  • Sample Annotated Bibliographies: Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3.
  • Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft Assignment Help

Finally, if you are still struggling with your research questions after completing the Brainstorm Worksheet, read as many reviews on your chosen text as you can. When conducting research using a popular search engine (e.g. Google), please make sure to search for reputable sources, such as The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Guardian, Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic, Slate, NPR, etc.

I also posted some Suggested Readings  (including an article I wrote on Crazy Rich Asians). I will keep adding more articles to this folder, as I think of more relevant sources. These articles can hopefully give you some inspiration on how to make strong arguments on popular culture and mass media texts.

For Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft Assignment Help please click here

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