Analytic Post English Assignment
ACTUALLY, this one is more of a research skills assignment:
1. Give a very basic description of a chosen research topic/issue (a sentence at
most). Think of a topic you might work on in your major/favorite subject. Major:
2. Locate three (3) suitable scholarly sources that can support a potential essay
about that topic. Here is one useful overview of what we mean by appropriate scholarly
(Links to an external site.) Analytic Post English Assignment Help
But essentially, for this exercise, your main criteria are as follows: must be either a
peer-reviewed academic journal article OR chapter in a peer-reviewed scholarly book.
No book reviews are permitted for this, even long ones. Some disciplines have different
length conventions, but expect these to each be at least 15pp. each. No shorter than
8pp., let\’s say. Analytic Post English Assignment Help
I will provide exactly ONE support resource for this task: Here is the library\’s carefully
developed \”Undergraduate Research Center [URC] – Guide to Library Resources\”
site. Use it to
help you, if you are struggling. It may or may not work for you, individually, but your job
is to problem solve on this assignment and find a solution besides 1. asking your
classmate peers or 2. asking me. If the library website has other services (such as
research assistance providers), that is of course fair game! Online resources you locate
on your own are obviously also fair game.Analytic Post English Assignment Help
3. List the three (3) sources as a Reference List EXACTLY AND PERFECTLY
according to your discipline\’s preferred citation style (MLA, Chicago, APA, etc.).
Be sure to mention which one you believe you are employing, so we can verify that you
followed proper formatting. For this, we are only worrying about the entry contents:
author name(s), title, publication, required dates and/or online source info, etc. Here is a
fabulous site that has clear examples of different types of source for each different
reference style (and LOTS more– but be sure you give yourself time to get comfortable
with the sidebar navigation):
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