Airport Ownership and Management

Nursing Practice

Airport Ownership and Management Week 5 – International Airports

Discussion: Airport Ownership and Management

Airport Ownership and Management After completing your readings for this week, research airport ownership and management and the economic and regulatory benefits and drawbacks of each form of governance. Write a minimum of 200 words. Use at least one outside reference source cited in current APA format. Respond to the following prompt:

Present your thoughts on international airport ownership and management. Assess the impact of current privatization, governmental regulations, user charges, and financing capital projects. Provide at least two specific examples. Post a question about your findings that you would like your classmates to answer.


Case Study: Airport Business Continuity Management System

Prepare a 2-3 page case study that explains the current and various methods of airport emergency plans for infectious diseases. Research additional sources and comment on what you have found regarding the challenges presented. The assignment and references should be written according to the APA format.

Use the following questions as a guide: Airport Ownership and Management


  • What is Annex 14?
  • What emergencies does it address in addition to those of public health?
  • Is it necessary for there to be a separate public health emergency airport plan (separate from the aerodrome emergency plan)?
  • Which global entity requires an aerodrome or airport to have an emergency plan?
  • Which entity oversees its contents?
  • Which entity issues an aerodrome certificate for those aerodromes that are in compliance with the ICAO standards and recommended practice?
  • What is the advantage of having an aerodrome public health emergency plan?
  • Who has the responsibility for activities at an airport in response to a public health event?
  • In developing an aerodrome emergency plan, which entities need to be involved?
  • With the arrival of an affected aircraft, where should it be parked?
  • Is there a need to have a Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) for the arrival of an affected aircraft?
  • Conclude with your assessment of potential solutions to the challenges.



Discussion: Airport Charges

Airports make money with aeronautical (airside) user charges. These are charges for services and facilities related directly to the processing of aircrafts, their passengers, and cargo operations. Some of these fees include landing fees, aircraft parking and hangar charges, passenger service charges, and cargo service charges. Discuss the various reasons that aeronautical user charges are important to an airport operator. Would you say that it appears the airlines and passengers are being \”taxed\” too much for these charges? If you were the planner, consider how you would help to avoid these escalating costs, thereby keeping these charges lower for airlines, passengers, and especially for the air cargo industry.


Airport Design Jobs

An Internet search for Airport Design and Planning jobs returns millions of results. Explore some of the following websites and see what opportunities await you. Throughout this course, your modules have referred to airport planners and designers. Someday, you may be one of these designers. This assignment has two parts.


Part 1 – Airport Planning and Design Jobs

You will prepare a minimum of a 2-page paper (not including the reference page) on a business that conducts airport design, planning, or civil engineering for air cargo operations. Use the following job search engines:

Prepare a document which includes the following:

  • A short history of the company.
  • An evaluation of the different areas of the airside and landside portions of the airport in which the company is generally involved.
  • A summary of one airport project the company has underway or has recently completed.
  • Your opinion of this company, adding personal comments on whether you would be interested in this line of work after graduating from university.
  • Cite all sources in the current APA format.


Part 2 – Air Cargo Analysis

List the seven facility requirements for air cargo at an airport. Select any three facility requirements and identify how the size and configuration requirements for the Louisville Kentucky UPS Worldport differ from local airport air cargo operations. Watch attached videos before starting Part 2.

This video is a short glimpse into what it is like inside of one of UPS\’s largest sorting facilities. Located in Louisville, KY, this massive 5.2 million square foot complex is a logistical wonder: UPS\’s Billion-Dollar Hub: Inside Worldport

This series of videos from National Geographic further explores UPS\’s Worldport, its machines, shipping methods, and technology behind its success.

National Geographic Ultimate Factories UPS Worldport 1 of 3 (Vimeo, 15:05)

National Geographic Ultimate Factories UPS Worldport 2 of 3 (Vimeo, 15:03)

National Geographic Ultimate Factories UPS Worldport 3 of 3 (Vimeo, 14:44)


Week 6 – Control and Staffing International Aviation Management Organizations

Discussion: Flags of Convenience

Liberalization has allowed the international airline industry to use flags of convenience arrangements. Two advantages of these arrangements are lower costs and the avoidance of strict regulations in the home country. Sidestepping labor costs in favor of cheaper, unregulated labor is a dangerous situation that could bring about unsafe workplaces and risky practices. After completing your readings for this week, read and search further for other sources to obtain data on Flags of Convenience. Respond to the following prompt:

Choose a case study presented in \’Flags of Convenience in Civil Aviation.\’  Summarize the case study and explain the immediate and long-term dangers. Discuss your thoughts on the concept and possible solutions. Post a question about your findings so your classmates will have a chance to answer. Write a minimum of 200 words. Use at least one outside reference source cited in current APA format.


Case Study: The Southwest Airlines Way 

Review Chapters 5 through 14 of Southwest Airlines Way: The Power of Relationships for Superior Performance. Choose two Southwest Airlines\’ practices for building high-performance relationships that you believe will serve you well as a successful international aviation manager. Present a summary of your findings from the document and analyze why you find these two practices useful. Be sure to include additional research and resources to support your case study. The assignment and references should be written according to the APA format. In addition to your own research, utilize this week’s readings.


Discussion: Share and Compare Your Airport Experiences

This week our focus is on the airport access design upon arrival. Additionally, we are focusing on customer amenities at the airport upon arrival and departure. Few U.S. airports are on any top ten list (World Airport Awards) for these features. After watching the video below, choose a U.S. airport you have frequently used. Compare your experience with the customer experience and design of the Mumbai Airport in India. The new Mumbai Airport and beautiful Marmi Bruno Zanet granite.


Passenger Buildings

Present a minimum of a 2-page paper (not including the reference page) answering all three parts of:

  1. Assess the configuration of your local airport or some airport with which you can become familiar. How would you describe the configuration?
  2. To what extent does it appear to meet the needs of the principal stakeholders?
  3. How flexible does it appear to be, to meet the requirements of plausible future traffic?

Without a doubt, the most important feature of any landside portion of an airport is its passenger buildings. This week, it has become evident that every airport focuses differently on its passenger buildings.


Week 7 – Aviation Maintenance and Operations System Management

Discussion: Homeland Security Transparency Reporting

Review the following strategic plan:

Utilize the module readings and other sources to obtain data about the Department of Homeland Security\’s strategic plans and agency goals. Respond to the following prompt:

Choose a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) goal and summarize it. Present your thoughts regarding the success of the DHS in describing, measuring, and accomplishing the goal. Post a question about your findings for your classmates to answer. Write a minimum of 200 words. Use at least one outside reference source cited in current APA format.


Case Study: Aviation Maintenance Standards

Prepare a 2-3 page case study that outlines a process to implement international standards for aircraft maintenance and operations systems and procedures.  Present at least two \’roadblocks\’ to international standardization and offer your thoughts on potential solutions. Include additional research and resources to support your case study. The assignment and references should be written according to the APA format.

Utilize the following resources:


Discussion: Airport Security

The three areas for hot spots in airports are the check-in counters, secure passageways, and underground stations. As frequent fliers, many of us tolerate check-in counter and intermodal transportation delays because we have some personal control and strategies to manage our waiting time. We can use our mobile devices to avoid waiting at ticket counters, checking in our bags, or even selecting how we will arrive at the airport. But other than applying for TSA Pre-Check, we are at the unpredictable mercy of the TSA screeners. Discuss and debate what you can do as a planner to alleviate this congestion.


Virtual Trip

Visiting an Airport as an Observer

In this assignment, you are going to evaluate your most recent parking experience at an airport. You will also rate the concession level of service. If you are able to, you are encouraged to visit your nearest airport to complete this assignment. If you are unable to physically visit an airport you may \”virtually\” visit. You may virtually visit using Google Earth®, Google Maps®, or view this video Airport Parking Options to complete this assignment. Prepare a minimum of a two-page document (not including the reference page) and address the following:

  1. https://airportscouncil.orgreports that of the $8.2 billion in non-aeronautical revenue collected by airports, over 40%, comes from parking and ground transportation. Is the cost of parking at your airport in line with your expectations?
  2. Provide a diagram of the parking areas. You can use any media to provide this diagram, including hand-drawn renderings. Make sure to label each area.
  3. Discuss the airport’s parking plan in detail, providing the number of spaces available and revenue received in the last published year.
  4. Address the layout of the parking plan and your opinion as to whether it is well designed for passenger services. Defend your position.
  5. What demographic of traveler (business, recreational, casual) predominately use this concession?
  6. Are there any areas where you, as a planner, can help the business?


Week 8 – Aviation Information, Operation, and Technology Systems

Discussion: Global Navigation, Positioning, and Timing Systems

All aspects of aviation are dependent on Global Navigation, Positioning, and Timing Systems (GNPT systems). GNPT systems are in the background of every aviation operation and are vital to the aviation industry. Write a minimum of 200 words. Use at least one outside reference source cited in current APA format. Review the following resources:

Respond to the following prompt:

Identify how each sector of aviation (airlines, airports, aircraft manufactures, air traffic control, space operations, and remotely piloted aircraft systems) obtains and uses Global Navigation, Positioning, and Timing Systems. Discuss the capabilities and limitations of Ground Based Augmentation Systems (GBAS), Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS), and Aircraft Based Augmentation Systems (ABAS).


Case Study: Ground Stops Due to Computer Information System Problems

Research a recent incident (within the past 5 years) where a \”Ground Stop\” was caused by an airline or air traffic management computer information systems problem. Prepare a 2-3 page case study that summarizes the incident. Identify stakeholders affected by the incident and include any costs and ramifications. Create at least two \’press releases,\’ as if you were the airline\’s CEO or the air traffic control manager. Your press releases should address the public and specific stakeholders. Be sure to include additional research and resources to support your case study. The assignment and references should be written according to the APA format. In addition to your own research, utilize this week’s readings.


Runway Capacity

Taxiways are very important to the overall runway system. A well-developed taxiway system will not be a limiting factor in airport capacity. However, many times taxiways are built as an after-thought. As a planner, it is important for you to work very closely with members of the Air Traffic Management system. These air traffic and ground controllers can make or break an airport. They should be well trained and well-motivated.

Prepare a minimum of a 2-page document (not including the reference page) that lists and explains the nine factors that affect the capacity of a runway system. Discuss the planning of a taxiway system and add at least three factors you would use to help airport capacity. Consider what you can do as a planner to ensure that Air Traffic Management increases capacity and avoids delays. Cite all sources in current APA format.


Week 9 – Laws and Regulations

Discussion: Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Use the resources below to obtain data about international laws and regulations regarding remotely piloted aircraft (drones). Respond to the following prompt:

Summarize two laws or regulations regarding drones that you found most interesting in your research. Post a relevant, thoughtful question regarding your topics to your classmates. Write a minimum of 200 words. Use at least one outside reference source cited in current APA format.

The following links are provided to assist in your research:


Discussion: U.S. vs. ICAO Airport Standards

The distinctions between U.S. and International airports are significant. Some differences are subtle, however, some, such as baggage handling and parking, are very apparent. Air cargo operations are also handled differently, from hangar space to security inspections and operations.

Discuss the differences in U.S. and International airport standards in the following areas:

  • cargo operations
  • check-in facilities
  • baggage handling

Debate whether FAA or ICAO standards should be followed when designing and constructing any airport in the world.

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